Wednesday, October 3

Today might be the day #1—hanging out

Today might be the day #1—hanging out

There’s a joy in hanging out together . The brush of being together against the hard surface of our daily reality can make any difficulty wither . This slight friction can also make joy the norm. I plan to see it again today.

The labyrinth is scheduled to be set up in the fireplace lounge in MBSC by mid-morning and will be a walking meditation until late afternoon. On these fine days experimenters come out of the walls to see what this big round thing on the floor is. They want to know why it is here and what it is for. Once walking, they are intrigued. Like thirsty searchers, they want to fill up at the pump of newness. Some wander around and look on. Others hurry by caught up in their busy self-importantness. “I’d do it but I’m late.” Some are really in a rush and are borderline being late. Others, though, have a look that displays this sentiment: “I’m always self-absorbed and I’m always late, and I don’t have time for this rubbish.” It reminds me of Ebenezer Scrooge on his way to the office to harp on poor Bob Cratchet. He says something like: “Humbug! I don’t have time for nonsense.”

That’s OK. Jesus is only here to offer some balance to those who are ready. Today might not be Scrooge’s day. But someday will. Today might be your day to be ready, and it might be by walking the labyrinth.

It might be by walking a labyrinth, or it might be by hanging out and watching, brushing God’s hope against your reality. And if that happens, who knows where that spark might find a home?

Luke 2:

8In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people

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