Sunday, September 10

a four piece balanced life

Below the weekly schedule is my blog on balance.

This week at UNO:

Monday: 911 at the bell tower, ten minutes before until 10 minutes after each hour

Gathering: Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who changed the Bible and Why, Noon at the food court, Fred Richart

Tuesday: 11am MBSC; Dr. Paul Williams, dept of religion, will present an address ref. 911
Gathering; God within: Barbara Catterton, noon at the food court
UCMHE Board meeting, 4PM

Wednesday: Gathering: Community: Liz Polivka, noon at the food court


Friday: 10 am. RIPV—you can join us in the planning for the February event—Responses to Intimate Partner Violence

Saturday: Habitat for Humanity, 12-4PM. Email me if you’re interested

God’s Help Wanted Ads (contact Fred for more details):

Fred needs help: up to five hours per week in study and event, planning, marketing and follow ups,

Look for an intern to promote biblical Justice—help put into place a policy that seeks to end sales of goods made in sweatshops.

Upcoming events:
Thursdays: dinner, movie, discussion and a brief time of emerging worship (start date to be announced.
Thursday, October 6, lunch with volunteers who have spent a year overseas.
Tuesday, October 10, first of six sessions on Islam, led by Dr. Paul Williams,. This teleconference takes place in downtown Omaha, 12-1PM.
December 30, depart for New Orleans work trip. Return in time for classes, 2nd semester.

We all talk about being busy, and when I look at this calendar, it seems that way. There is something for everyone or a regular basis. The calendar is also a clear indicator that balance takes time and determination. We have four points to consider and put into place in our lives as God’s community on the UNO campus (and environs). You see them on my contact cards:

1) Clarifying and learning about our beliefs and spirituality (progressive talk about God)
2) Biblical Justice (be sweat free)
3) Service to others (make yourself useful)
4) Being together (free food)

You are invited to join any or all pieces—and remember that all the pieces give us balance.
