Monday, April 9

April 9, 2007--important events coming up!

The Schedule this week at UNO

Tuesday: 6:30 PM cabinet dinner at Panera’s, 78th & Dodge
8:00 PM Inclusive Spiritual Seekers, MBSC, Council Room, 3rd floor
Wednesday 11:30 am, Library Coffee Lounge: What’s deep enough to talk about?
Thursday 11am-1PM What is Hope and Where do you find it? MBSC food court
Saturday 8:30 AM 2nd Saturday of Service for Habitat for Humanity, Meet at Caffeine Dreams, then on to the site. Lunch following

Peace Expo! Starts at 1PM and we need volunteers!
If you are interested please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Jay Filipi, at
Shifts could start as early as 11:30 to go as late as 5:30.
And let him know ASAP what hours will you be willing to work?
There will be some training before volunteer shifts.
Thanks and Peace!

Next week:

Tuesday is Labyrinth day.
Last week there were thirty participants, so lets go for more!
Reduce Stress! Open up to God!

Saturday, April 21:
April is BIG Garden month!

Help support the BIG Garden project as we enter our second year of service to the community. In 2006 our five sites produced over 3000 pounds of food, of which about 1/3 was donated to area food pantries. We recorded over 43,000 individual volunteer visits to the gardens, including over 240 youth volunteers.

We have big plans for expansion in 2007, including the addition of at least ten new sites. We have work to do to prepare for the growing season, including preparing the ground and building beds at our new sites and getting our second-year sites ready for our gardeners. Your help makes all the difference in reaching our goals – volunteers and donors are what make this project run.

New this year: the official BIG Garden website, located at As the season goes on, more and more information can be found here, including garden work schedules, class times, and special event information.

We hope you will consider volunteering at the gardens, either by bringing a VIM team, or scheduling a regular time to come help out. To find out more contact Lori Young at 598-2887 or email at: