Learning Opportunities
Monday: noon: Misquoting Jesus—chapter 5& 6 led by Dr. Fred Richart, in the circle area, food court, MBSC
Tuesday: Labyrinth at the Fireplace lounge most of Tuesday, beginning at 9am. Don’t miss this spiritual awakening event.
Noon: The God within—led by Barbara Catterton; MBSC food court
Noon: Islam 101: led by Dr. Paul Williams, Room 207, 1313 Farnam on the Mall
This Wesleyan Live event is organized by UCMHE for you for six Tuesdays. This week we learn about Relations between Muslims and Christians—how Muslims view Christians. Call me for a ride.
UCMHE Board will meet at 4PM, John Owens and Lori Young will be introduced and talk a little about their projects/faith/style.
Wednesday: noon: Community of Faith—led by Liz Polivka; MBSC food court.
Thursday: we’ll meet at the Westwood Heights movie Theater to watch the UNO Film Society entrants and winners. More details this week.
And we’ll be putting out flyers to get the word out about the trip to New Orleans, leaving December 30. Lori will be designing them, so expect something creative and dynamic.
Now the blog:
Last week I reflected on voting your values. I hope you did.
This week, I want you to act on your values, and if one of your values is to be compassionate, I urge you to sign up for the trip to Gretna (near New Orleans) during the Christmas break (December 30-January 8).
Here’s what you get for $250:
- Round trip passage to Gretna
- Food while you’re there
- An opportunity to serve those who have been busted by Hurricane Katrina
- Worship opportunities with a progressive bunch
- A week out of Omaha
Interested folks should give me a call or email me and I'll send you an application. You can be a member of any faith group.