Thursday, September 27

meditation on Long Distance #4

Just call me Cleopatra, Queen of ___________

Yesterday’s devotion was long, Today’s won’t be.

Most students complain they have too much to do and too little time. Some, however, have a smile on their faces and a skip in their step. I asked first one, “Are you OK? And she spat out, “No, I’ve been sick, I’ve got exams, I’ve got papers, I’ve got projects. I feel awful.” I asked the other, “How’s it going?” and she reflected, “It’s not that I’m giddy, but I feel fine. I’ve got exams, I’ve got papers, I’ve got projects, but I’ve got hope.”

I often wonder what makes us sick. When my oldest child would come home from an all night event, he would be exhausted. A day or so later he would have strep throat. There was notion of causality there. When he would deny he was tired or sick, he just got more tired and that led to really having a case of strep throat. His problem started by being tired and the problem was fanned by denying it.

Maybe you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, If you are it might just be time to change your behavior. Instead of getting sicker and more tired, try a different way of living.

A fourth way to weariness is denying there is weariness. Walter Brueggemann, Old Testament scholar and prophet, puts it this way:

We are weary with anxiety fed by our denial;
We are heavy laden with coercion fed by our despair.
Here is the remedy:
Anxiety fed by denial has no power where truth is told;
Coercion fed by despair has no power where hope is told.
(Walter Brueggemann “Mandate to Difference” p. 46)

Hang with us, Hang with Jesus. Walk the labyrinth. Make yourself useful. Be justice oriented and buy sweat free. Drink Fair Trade. There are no ridiculous perfect answers, but our questions and our responses and connections get deeper and deeper. We invite you to allow the invitation to hope to make a difference.

It’s your choice. Don’t deny it!

Watch for the signs of the new yoke.

Matthew 11:
28“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

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