Friday, November 2

meditation on the day after All Saints Day

Meditation on the Day after all Saint’s Day

Yesterday’s meditation asked us all to look for those persons in our lives who have achieved a high stature. Who are the people we respect most? Who motivates us to do our best, to take the high road, to follow our calling for God? Whose life speaks to the world in its darkness? Who speaks to us in our darkness?

I jotted down a few names and gave homage to them. These were the saints I never new, or knew only slightly or by reputation. These people have a strength that transcends time and space. I appreciated them, and wanted to be like them. I hoped to least borrow their strength for a few minutes. Then I stopped working so hard and made a list of the people I know and like. That list was more fun, and just as telling. These are people I wanted to be with. Sometimes it was a list that included fun-lovers. But more often it was a list of people who have touched me somehow and even when I think about them today I feel their effect. Somehow it has lasted. It seems making a list of people around whom I feel delight also makes me sense a deeper side of life. Sometimes these people are folks with whom I’ve related for years. It also contained the six people I met yesterday—really!

I John 3
11”For this is the message you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.”

This leads to another level of connection—people freely offer themselves to us strengthen us and give vibrancy to our lives. Do you suppose that’s a model worth considering? Shall we not do the same and offer ourselves to others? Is this not the heart of the gospel? Is this not creation? Is this not the beginning?

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