Thursday, September 20

Meditation on "Who do You Trust?" #4

Who do you Trust? #4

I tend to trust people who have good opening lines. Mr. Spock used to say, “Live long and prosper.” That’s a good line.

The angels in the Bible had a good opening line, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you news of great joy.” God had a great opening line, speaking of creation, “It is very good.” Jesus had a good opening line when he was on a recruiting tour: “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of people.” It was an invitation, a statement of purpose and a tantalizing comment.

Ann Lamott, a Christian writer, had a good opening line last night: “I didn’t bring a prepared speech, I only came to tell you the things that I really believe are really, really, really true about faith and about writing.” That line relaxed people and created a sense of trust. By the end of the hour an a half journey together with her, there was a sense of well being and hope. To conclude her talk, Ms. Lamott played a favorite gospel song of hers over the sound system. Then she danced on stage (and she had told a few stories about how she and her boyfriend are not good dancers), she asked people to stand and sing along (the crowd clapped in time) and she set out to be herself. Would that we could all do that!

I was wondering why I felt trust and compassion for and with this woman from California. I had heard everything is perfect there. She said, “No, it’s not perfect. I’m not perfect.” And she also doesn’t think the way God shows him/herself to us is perfect. “have you ever noticed you need an answer from God right now, and the answer comes in a week or two or three or some months later? I find that annoying.”

Ann talked about situations she’s been in and looked for God. She’s been sober for 21 years and was converted to being a Presbyterian 22 years ago. It was striking to me her father and mother are atheists, yet her grandfather was a Presbyterian missionary in China. Evidently, her father did not like his father’s lifestyle and found little in it worth saving. Maybe there was some conflict there. Maybe there was a rebel. Maybe things just didn’t pan out. Maybe the weather and lifestyle in California is too perfect. Who knows?

Anyway, a good opening line can be truthful and yet be friendly, even inclusive, and put people at ease. You might want an opener for your paper, for your friend, for your friends friends. You might even need a good opener for people who are on the edges. Perhaps even for God (“Hey God, my life is great right now. Thanks a bunch.”) It might be a good idea to try out a few of them. Why not write them down and keep them handy? Who knows when you might need one? After all, you are taking a leadership role in your life. Do people have good reason to trust you?

Here’s a great opening line. It’s specific, inclusive (all people) and has purpose:

John 1
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being 4in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.

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